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Life Enhancement course 2022

Break free from the past and thrive in the present as you build resilience skills and coping strategies with this 5 week course.

This program involves 5 weekly sessions with a friendly group on Zoom every Monday 6.30pm-8pm

Contact to book your space now as places are limited.

100% of the proceed will go to charity!

Our minds are constantly trying to make sense of our world, forming judgements and opinions about every situation, which influences how we relate to ourselves and the world. This can affect our way of living and disrupt our sense of peace and wellbeing.

The Life Enhancement Course draws from leading research on overcoming self-esteem, vulnerability and improving resiliency skills. 

The main emphasis of the course is working with the space between self-esteem and self-compassion to break free from the past and help you reclaim your life and live in the present.

The course is delivered on Zoom over 5 sessions with each session lasting 1.5 hrs. The sessions have a mix of teaching style from videos, slides, discussion, reflection, short personal exercises and mindfulness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the course suitable for?
Anyone looking to take control of their mental wellbeing to create a positive future. It is not suitable for anyone in acute crisis. If you are unsure whether this course would be suitable for you, please email Fiona (the course facilitator)


Will I need to speak?
We ask that no sensitive personal problems are disclosed. The course is designed to be interactive, reflective to your own circumstances and fun. There will be no more than 12 participants on the course.


How much is it?
For 5 weeks of professional coaching on this program to unlock your mind is only £200! 50% of the proceeds raised goes towards Rokzschool Academy to help vulnerable children and teenagers. 
The other 50% will go towards the Bethany Trust which helps homeless people get back on their feet.

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